Mrs. Davidson
Lesson Plan WEEK 4
April 02, 2020

Week Four: April 28-May 2

Monday: Fill out your Plan and Reflection for the day.

Reading: Book walk through Springtime Fun, then read story.  Practice sight words on bright blue cards.  Read for 30 minutes.

Writing: Write 1-2 sentences to the prompt How do caterpillars turn into butterflies? in April Journal.

Math: Sunny Days (Tens and Ones) in Math Journal .

Tuesday: Fill out your Plan and Reflection for the day.

Reading: Highlight sight words in book Springtime Fun, then read story.  Practice sight words on bright blue cards. Read for 30 minutes.

Writing: Write 1-2 good sentences to the prompt: What is your favorite insect and why? in April Journal.

Social Studies: Pick any of the 3 activities on the Rules and Responsibilities page and complete. (It is 2-sided.  You only need to choose 1 activity).

Wednesday: Fill out your Plan and Reflection for the day.

Reading: Read story Springtime Fun.  Complete prompt: What can you do In the springtime? and draw a picture to match.  Practice sight words on bright blue cards.  Read for 30 minutes.

Writing: Write 1-2 good sentences to the prompt: I can write about ladybugs... in April Journal.

Math: Time to Shine (Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour)in Math Journal.

Thursday: Fill out your Plan and Reflection for the day.

Reading: Read Springtime Fun and complete word sight word page.  Practice sight words on bright blue cards.  Read for 30 minutes.

Writing: Write 1-2 good sentences to the prompt: Describe the spring weather, in April Journal.

Friday: Fill out your Plan and Reflection for the day.

Reading: Read Springtime Fun. Practice your whole sight word ring.  Read for 30 minutes.

Writing: Write 1-2 good sentences to the prompt: I can write about butterflies, in April Journal.

Math: Shining Through TIme (Telling TIme to Hour and Half Hour) in Math Journal.

If you do not have books at home that your child can read, please read to your child and use the questions on the Reading Questions handout to help your child with some comprehension skills.  Remember, children love to hear the same book over and over, so don’t worry if you don’t have a new book for them everyday!


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