High School

September 09, 2015

The ASVAB Test will be given to all juniors on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd in the JH Gym from 8:30am - 12pm.


September 04, 2015

FREE MATH AND ENGLISH TUTORING-Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 3-4pm.

Math tutoring will be in the library with Mrs. Kirkpatrick and is from 7th grade math through Algebra II.

English tutoring from 7th-12th grades will be in Mrs. Neal's room #167.

No appointment is necessary.  Student may also use the computers to work on school work in the library during this time.

TU Rep

August 31, 2015

The TU representative will be here in the HS Library on Wednesday, September 2nd from 12:20-1:10pm to talk with interested juniors and seniors

Progress Reports

August 31, 2015

Progress Reports will go home with high school students on Friday, September 11th.

College Financial Presentation

August 31, 2015

There will be a College Financial Presentation for seniors all day on September 15th in Mr. Hollon's classroom.

HS SB & VB Pics

August 31, 2015

HS Softball and Volleyball pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd at 2pm.

FB Homecoming

August 31, 2015

FOOTBALL HOMECOMING will be Friday, Sept. 25th.  Pictures will be at 5:15 pm and Coronation will be at 6:25 pm.


June 16, 2015

Athlete Drug Testing will be on Thursday, August 6th in the HS Commons Area from 10-11am for 11-12th grade athletes and for 9-10th grade athletes from 11am-12pm.Cost is $20.

HS Awards Assembly

May 12, 2015

The HS Awards Assembly will be on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 10:00am in the JH Gym.


May 12, 2015
WRITTEN BY Sheri Labarr ON May 12, 2015

HS Graduation will be Friday, May 15, 2015 at 7pm at the Claremore Expo Center.  Doors will open at 6pm.


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